Building a social “HOLON structure” with “i” to further enhance the connection between humans and the environment.

Our Business Overview

-business overview-

System Developing

iHOLON started out in the contract product development business. We have been committed to manufacturing products that are close to our customers as we have been since the time of our founding.Currently, we are also developing our own products at the same time.

Contract Product Development Business

iHOLON has a large number of engineers with rich experience in various technical fields, and we have a system in place to handle everything from proposal to support.
We also provide solutions that meet the characteristics of the industry and the purpose of implementation to meet all kinds of needs.

In-house Product Development Business

We are working daily on product development to create new services by flexibly responding to changes in social conditions and the environment while fully utilizing our own resources.
We will create products that make our lives more convenient and comfortable by incorporating IoT technology, which connects all objects to the Internet, and AI technology, which is utilized to make the most of big data.

Business Recruting

Those looking for a job

iHOLON has over 20,000 jobs available at any given time.
Regardless of nationality, type of job, or location, please feel free to contact us for more information.

Companies looking to recruit

iHOLON is available to companies throughout Japan and can introduce you to the most suitable candidates through our worldwide network. Please feel free to contact us.

For companies considering SES

We will introduce you to engineers with the skills and experience you require.
Please feel free to contact us.

Meet Our Members

Tina Li

Chief Consultant(🇯🇵🇨🇳🇬🇧🇫🇷)

Power Push Companies








We have been certified as a Registered Support Organization!

We are pleased to announce that our company, iHOLON, has been officially recognized as a Registered Support Organization by the Ministry of Justice. With this certification, we can now provide the necessary support for foreign workers with..


この度、当社の経営革新計画が承認されました。 <計画期間および事業期間> 令和5年5月〜令和8年4月 ※経営革新計画とは 中小企業が新たな事業活動に取り組むことにより経営の向上を図る計画のことで、 中小企業等経営強化法に基づき、国や都道府県知事の承認が行われるものです。 (計画書に掲載されている商品・サービスや事業を認定するものではありません。) また、この承認により、高度人材(高度専門職)ビザの20点加点対象となりました。 ※イノベーションを促進するための支援措置を受けている機関および中小企業にあたるため 今後も「iHOLON」を世の中に広めていけるよう精進いたします。 引き続き、株式会社iHOLONをよろしくお願い申し上げます。


この度、当社の経営革新計画が承認されました。 <計画期間および事業期間> 令和5年5月〜令和8年4月 ※経営革新計画とは 中小企業が新たな事業活動に取り組むことにより経営の向上を図る計画のことで、 中小企業等経営強化法に基づき、国や都道府県知事の承認が行われるものです。..

Our Featured Partners

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Group 707
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Group 707
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Group 727